Friday, January 3, 2014

Unconditional Universal Service

As we grow in wisdom, in unconditional love, and as unconditional universal servants the Divine (God) will continue to bless us to grow in influence; not for self-aggrandizement, but to serve as an example amongst the people.

We are happiest when we find creative and effective ways to serve for the sake of helping others to become healthier and happier.

The true purpose of life is to provide good service with no attachments.  In doing so, we purify and elevate our own soul.

Sphere of Influence

Whether we know it or not, everyone has a sphere of influence be it small, large or even larger. People hear what we say, watch what we do and form standards accordingly for their lives.

We attract others based on our own standards and we disappoint them when we violate or contradict those standards. We are communal beings and we learn from one another. We inspire one another.

Like it or not, our actions have the potential to affect or impact those who we know and those who we do not know.

Be aware of your sphere of influence and use it to uplift yourself, your family, and humanity.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Why is chanting a powerful tool of unconditional universal service?

As a Divine and Source Channel, Master Sha teaches that everything has a soul. The soul song Love, Peace, and Harmony (LPH) was given to Master Sha to bless and heal humanity and all souls in all universes. As Master Sha states, “What you chant is what you become.” LPH is a great treasure that resides within every soul. 
As we sing LPH we should ask the treasure to give a blessing to us, our families, and to our communities. Also, we can ask the treasure to turn on in all souls and for them to chant with us on a soul level. In doing so, we are assisting in the transformation of all souls. As we know by now, our words, thoughts and deeds create our reality. We can never “not create”. We create constantly and unceasingly (consciously and unconsciously). 
When you sing or chant a soul song like LPH, you are helping to reconstruct the vibration frequency of ourselves, the whole universe, and all universes to a higher level frequency. Everything changes, histories will be rewritten. As we are taught, history is written in advance based on the thinking of the people. If the thinking changes, so does the history. 
To feed a person in need is powerful service; to assist in bringing their thinking up to a higher vibrational frequency is transformational. It is service beyond comparison because anyone and everyone, who is inclined to do so, can serve regardless of their financial, mental, or emotional situation.
--What a blessing!

Happy New Year: Help humanity to become happier and healthier in 2014!

The article below is about a woman who cured her cancer with carrot juice and with no other lifestyle change. After that, is an article by a guy who did the same thing (whose protocol she followed). I am sure this can also be used as preventative treatment/supplement.
Drink the juice of a 5 lb. bag of organic carrots daily. It should yield 1 - 1 1/3 quart of carrot juice, depending on the efficiency of your juicer. You can purchase a 5 lb. bag of organic carrots for under $5 at your local farmer's market - or for much less in bulk.
Carrot Juice
Carrots are loaded with all of the elements that prevent your body from reaching an unhealthy acidic state. The inherently alkaline nature of carrots matched with their accessibility in American markets makes them an easy squeeze for juicing. Spice up your carrot juice with the additional flavors and health benefits of beets, celery and tomatoes, all non-acidic veggies. If you're feeling brave, toss in a splash of alkalizing apple, strawberry or banana juice for an official health blast.
So many people are suffering with cancer today. Pass this information on.
Let's go out and help humanity to become happier and healthier in 2014!