Friday, November 22, 2013

Exploring the Empowerments

As I stated in the previous blog, I am on a journey to transform my consciousness and to enlighten my soul.  My soul, mind, and body are so delighted to be on this journey with Dr. and Master Sha. 

Dr. and Master Sha's life mission includes three empowerments.  I will explore the three empowerments in greater detail.

The first empowerment is to teach universal service to empower people to be unconditional universal servants.  The message of universal service is:


I serve humanity and all universes unconditionally.

You serve humanity and all universes unconditionally.

Together we serve humanity and all souls in all universes unconditionally.

The second empowerment is to teach healing to empower people to heal themselves and to heal others. The message of healing is:

I have the power to heal myself.

You have the power to heal yourself.

Together we have the power to heal the world.

The third empowerment is to teach the power of soul, which includes soul secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques, and to transmit Divine Power to empower people to transform every aspect of their lives and enlighten their souls, hearts, minds, and bodies. The message of Soul Power is:

I have the Soul Power to transform my consciousness in every aspect of my life and enlighten my soul, heart, mind, and body.

You have the Soul Power to transform your consciousness in every aspect of your life and enlighten my soul, heart, mind, and body.

Together we have the Soul Power to transform consciousness and every aspect of all life and enlighten humanity and all souls.

Again, thank Master Sha for his deep insights, wisdom, and practical techniques for healing the soul, mind, and body.  Thank you, thank you, thank you Master Sha.

Transform and Enlighten the Soul, Mind, and Body

I am on a journey to continuously transform my consciousness and to enlighten my soul.  My soul, mind, and body are so delighted to be on this journey.  Because of meeting Dr. and Master Sha, I have experienced great improvements in my life.  Both my outlook in life and the quality of my life have greatly improved. 

Dr. and Master Sha's total life mission is to transform the consciousness of humanity and all souls in all universes, and enlighten them in order to create love, peace, and harmony for humanity, Mother Earth, and all universes. This mission includes three empowerments.

1.   The first empowerment is to teach universal service to empower people to be unconditional universal servants.

2.   The second empowerment is to teach healing to empower people to heal themselves and to heal others.

3. The third empowerment is to teach the power of soul, which includes soul secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques, and to transmit Divine Power to empower people to transform every aspect of their lives and enlighten their souls, hearts, minds, and bodies.

I thank Master Sha for his deep insights, wisdom, and practical techniques for healing the soul, mind , and body.  Thank you, thank you, thank you Dr. and Master Sha.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Six Word Chant for Healing

 The Six Word Chant is for Healing, Wisdom, Purity, and Enlightenment. The Six Word Chant is an ancient Buddhist healing chant. The six words are "Ong, Ma, Lee, Bae, Mae, Hong."
"Ong" relates to the heart of wisdom. This is the wisdom of the universe. The "Ong" sound can help with problems in the eyes, the ears, the nose, and with all kinds of headaches and head problems.
"Ma Lee" relates to a person's heart, which is full of changes. "Ma, Lee" can help with problems in the throat, shoulders, elbows, heart, and lungs.
"Bae, Mae" relates to the purity of the heart, the emptiness.  "Bae, Mae" can help with problems in the spine, back, kidneys, stomach, and intestines.      
"Hong" relates to the enlightenment of a person with the wisdom of the universe or with the power of God. "Hong" can help heal problems in the joints of the body and the legs.
The six words together in combination can help to balance the energy throughout the body and help connect you to the healing energy of the Universe.
--Spring Forest Qigong

Emotional Freedom Tapping


What is Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)?  EFT is a quick and simple method that has been clinically proven to eliminate stress and emotional issues in minutes. Also known as “tapping,” EFT combines basic principles of psychology with the ancient Chinese medical practice of acupressure. The concept tapping acupressure points was discovered by a cognitive psychologist by the name of Dr. Roger Callahan.  The streamlined version from Dr.Callahan's more complex process called EFT was developed by Gary Craig in 1981.

EFT works by tapping on specific acupressure points on the body while tuning into an emotion or issue to reduce the intensity of traumatic memories, conquer phobias, anxiety, stress, compulsions, addictions, food cravings, physical pain, mental blockages, and many other issues that are influenced by our minds, and to bring our system back into balance. Everyone has experienced at least one of the above issues growing up. For the lucky ones, the incidents were rare and mild, but for others early experiences were much more traumatic, possibly including violence, deprivation or abuse. Most of us fall somewhere between those two extremes.
Over the years, we build up a toxic load of energy blockages (trapped unconscious or semi-conscious memories), and develop unconscious beliefs, coping strategies and behaviors, such as addictions, based upon them. You’ve heard people say that they feel blocked but they cannot put their finger on the problem. Some refer to those blockages as engrams.

According to Encarta Dictionary (English-NorthAmerica), an engram is:

“a hypothetical physical impression made in neural tissue by a mental stimulus, once regarded as an explanation of the persistence of memory”

They are a certain points and experiences in your past that are frozen in time. If your system was unable to process some sort of trauma experienced by a younger self, it remains trapped within your consciousness as an engram.

These engrams become activate when a similar stimulus to the original incident happens. Your reactive mind takes over and you act in a way that you may not have intended based on stimulus-response. In addition, until there is resolution to the issue by removing the charge from the memory, a specific issue may manifest in some kind of addictive behavior like binge eating, cravings, drinking, compulsive shopping, or reliance on drugs.


--more to come on tapping

Transform Your Blame

Sometimes we have a disconnection between our perception of the cause of our condition and our own personal responsibility for our condition. The truth is the totality of our karma in this lifetime and in past lifetimes is the root cause of our current conditions. We need not blame anyone else and we need not make ourselves a victim.
When you blame someone else for your stuff, regardless of their involvement, you go down the (tone) scale of consciousness immediately and you will stay there until you take responsibility for your condition. You cannot get better until you make that realization. In fact, you also cannot get better if you blame yourself. When you drop the blame, your condition will improve. You are not to blame, but you must take responsibility.

Ask the Divine what lessons you need to learn from your experiences. Start by taking a close look at yourself. Practice forgiveness and gratitude to help you get there.
--you are empowered!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What is Karma

You've heard the phrase, "you reap what you sew" or "what come around goes around." Well, those are other ways of describing karma.  Karma can be good or bad. Good karma includes love, care, compassion and making others healthier and happier. Bad karma includes killing, cheating, stealing, hurting, harming and all kinds of unpleasant actions, behaviors, speech, attitudes and thoughts. Heaven is most fair. Good karma brings rewards—blessings in any aspect of our lives, including physical health and vitality, emotional calm and balance, positive thinking and intelligence, good children, relationships, finances and more. Bad karma brings lessons—pain, suffering, challenges, blockages in any aspect of our lives.
Soul sickness is bad karma that is carried by our souls.


Monday, November 4, 2013

Nutritional Yeast for Health

Taking nutritional yeast is a great way to boost your health. It is an inactive yeast that is grown on molasses or beets. It contains no wheat,  corn, dairy, eggs,  soy,  gluten,  animal derivatives;  or (unlike Brewer's yeast) Candida  albicans.
Benefits of Nutritional Yeast:
1. It is high in protein
2. It is high in vitamin B12
3. It is high in Folic acid
4. It is high in fiber
5. It is gluten free
6. It is vegan
It has a nutty and cheesy flavor and can be sprinkled over many foods.  It tastes great on popcorn. It can be used as a flavor enhancer.