Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What is Karma

You've heard the phrase, "you reap what you sew" or "what come around goes around." Well, those are other ways of describing karma.  Karma can be good or bad. Good karma includes love, care, compassion and making others healthier and happier. Bad karma includes killing, cheating, stealing, hurting, harming and all kinds of unpleasant actions, behaviors, speech, attitudes and thoughts. Heaven is most fair. Good karma brings rewards—blessings in any aspect of our lives, including physical health and vitality, emotional calm and balance, positive thinking and intelligence, good children, relationships, finances and more. Bad karma brings lessons—pain, suffering, challenges, blockages in any aspect of our lives.
Soul sickness is bad karma that is carried by our souls.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you Adella for extending such great information!
    Love Peace and Harmony,
