Thursday, October 31, 2013

Your Purpose in Life

To find one’s life purpose is simple.  The purpose of life is to serve in such a way as to make other people’s life happier and healthier. It does not matter what specific thing that you choose to do. Begin to serve first and it will come to you. Your niche will appear out of the blue like magic.

If after a time, you are not completely joyous about what you have chosen to do then pick a new thing to do; something that will make you feel happy and prosperous too.

You deserve prosperity if you think you do.  The goal is not to become prosperous at the expense of the people that you are striving to serve.  The goal is to become prosperous so that you will be in a position to serve in a bigger and better way. 

The world is waiting for you so what are you waiting for? The Divine has as many unique and creative ideas to share as there are people are willing to use them

--How does it get any better than that?

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Heaven is Most Fair

We attract the lessons that we need most to help us advance along our soul journey. When we fail to learn a lesson, the lesson is repeated again and again. We either get the lesson and move on to the next, or we die repeating the same lesson over and over again.

The beautiful thing is that when you take responsibility for your issue and learn the lesson, you get the benefit. You grow and evolve. Heaven is always working for our benefit and heaven is most fair.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

An Anatomy of Consciousness – Part 2

To continue from yesterday, Dr. David Hawkins stated in his book Power versus Force, An Anatomy of Consciousness, humanity is currently  at a level of consciousness of about 200.  He states,  "When one's consciousness falls below 200 at any given moment you start to lose power and thus grow weaker and more prone to be manipulated by one’s surroundings.”  At this point a person is in survival mode and have little or no self-determinism.  

Self-determinism is the power or ability to make a decision for oneself without influence from outside. To be happy and healthy human being is to be a self-determined human being.

As stated in part one, "The good news is a person can raise their level of consciousness by remaining in a high frequency environment or by participating in high frequency activities."  You can have to substitute your old ways and activities for new higher frequency ways and activities. For example, rather than sitting at table with a group of gossipers during lunch, go for an energetic spiritual walk, find a private place to do a healing or chanting practice, or read a good uplifting book.

The key is to create an exhilarating high frequency activity to replace the exhilarating negative charge received from the daily company gossip session. Whether we are aware of it or not, people often feed on negative vices to release excessive negative charge created by negative emotions like anxiety or fear. 
There is probably some person in everyone’s life that can be classified as a drama king or queen.  A person who chooses to create a huge dramatization in order to get clarity on how to handle an issue; or to get the attention desired in order to feel that they matter on some level. 

Find some people who are happier and more active in creating opportunities for themselves, with whom to build alliances.  Once a  person gets into a practice of seeking higher consciousness,  he or she will elevate himself or herself little by little.

--more next time

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Orphan’s Plea: This Story Made Me Cry

Davion Henry, 15, has been an orphan all of his life. He has been in an out of foster homes from birth.  He made a public plea to be adopted by a family. Wow, I think back on how I took it for granted when I was growing up that I had a home and a family. To not have a family was completely out of my realm of consideration. It never entered my mind in any lasting way that there are people out there who would give almost anything to have even a dysfunctional family.

Davion stated,

"I'll take anyone, old or young, dad or mom, black, white, purple. I don't care. And I would be really appreciative. The best I could be."

Can you imagine that all he wants are simple things? The things most of us take for granted as we are raising our children.  He wants a bed to call his own and to be able to participate in school activities without having to move all the time.

He also stated,

"If you can, reach out and get me and love me until I die. I'm praying and still hoping. I know God hasn't given up and I'm not either."

"I just want people to know that it's hard to be a foster kid. People sometimes don't know how hard it is and how much we try to do good."

I feel so much compassion for Davion and I hope one of the 10,000 requests to adopt works out for him.

I intend to share this story with my children.

I am sending much love and light to Davion and all of the orphans that they may receive a family that will love and care for them.

Love is such a simple thing that we sometimes make complicated with judgment and many other attributes.


--Much love.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Heaven’s Currency

Some people glorify in amassing great wealth.  Other people would like to amass wealth also, but they give up due to lack of confidence or lack of consciousness regarding money. Still others, like automatons, scurry off to work every day to earn their fair share.

We cannot deny the physical universe and our physical body, we need them to navigate in this dimension. It takes physical (or electronic) money to buy the things we need to survive in this MEST (matter, energy, space, and time) universe. On the other hand, we need spiritual currency to advance our soul standing.  Spiritual currency comes from God’s virtue bank. You cannot take physical or electronic money with you when you die, but you can take virtue (God’s money) with you.

How you get God’s virtue? You get it by doing good deeds, thinking good thoughts, and by helping others. Doing good deeds is helping others through action or deeds or by praying, or chanting for them.

The scriptures state that to do good erases a multitude of sin, and I believe that. Some people refer to it as erasing karmic debt. Also, it makes sense because when you are focusing on helping or caring for others, you don’t have as much time to wallow in the details of your own issues.

Continue to a lots of  attention and action into building your virtue bank and your physical bank will automatically grow. You can ask the Divine to covert some of your virtue into money at any time.

--Many blessings.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Choices Spark Creativity


Choices are the things that allow us to tap into creativity. Of course, as we purify and begin to tap more deeply into the Source or creative power of the universe, we automatically begin to awaken our creativity. In the meantime, it is the act of making choices  that links us to that awesome power. Make a choice and stand behind it with strong emotions and conviction.

You cannot find a source of inspiration or creativity that resides outside of yourself. You cannot take a course to get it. You cannot have it mentored into you.  You have to choose a path or goal that is worthy of undertaking. 

Life is creative expression and action. Stop waiting for life to happen. Make a choice and go after what you would like to do or bring into fruition. Don’t wait for the perfect choice to show up on your door step. Author Napoleon Hill stated that a poor goal is better than no goal at all. Similarly, a mediocre or poor choice is better than a choice that's made by default.  
Ask yourself, “What are the possibilities for my life?” Once you come up with a list of a few things, for each item ask yourself, “What will my life be like in 1 or 5 years if I take this path? Conversely, what will my life be like in 1 or 5 years if I do not take this path? Make a choice. 
Once you put a strong emotion behind your choice, the Universe (God) will respond every time. No doubt about it. Every time you think on that choice with the same strong feeling, you draw it nearer and nearer. This is not hope, it is a universal law. The universe will begin to collect matter and circumstances to call your desire into existence. 
Remain steadfast and confident.


Sunday, October 13, 2013


 It sometimes seems easy to fix problems when they are someone else’s problems. We have the best advice to give to make them perfect.  We have the very best advice to fix their hair, their style of dress, their annoying habits, their parenting skills, and even their weight issues.  Yep, if they would just follow the prescription all of their issues would go away.  

Sometimes introspection is better than inspection.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Take Responsibility

Do you know someone who seems to often blames someone else for their issues or who often make excuses for their failures or mishaps? Well, the bad news is that a person who has this habit has made themselves a victim. What starts out as a habit eventually becomes a mindset. The good news is mindsets can be changed.

While it may give some temporary relief to blame or point to someone else as the cause of your problems, the blaming and pointing makes you powerless. If you do not take responsibility for your own issues, failures, or mishaps you will never be able to do anything to correct them.  Stated another way, when it comes to mental and emotional issues; you cannot fix that for which you do not take responsibility and you will remain a victim.

Change the victim mindset. Take on the habit of dealing with your issues as they come up for review. Learn new strategies for addressing the issues in a different way.  Get help if you need to do so.

Be the captain of your own ship. No matter what, take responsibility.  You are stronger and more capable than you think.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Ask a Question

The scriptures says, “Seek and you shall find.” also, “Ask and it shall be given onto you.”  To ask a question is a very powerful thing because it activates the unseen force of the universe to provide the answer. To ask a question is the easiest and most basic way to change everything in your life, so you should be prepared to hear and accept the answer.

One question that is quick and does not require any advanced spiritual considerations is: 

How does it get any better than this?

If you have a bad experience ask, “How does it get any better than this?” You may see a big improvement.

If you have a good experience ask, “How does it get any better than this?” You may have an even better experience.

Another powerful question is: “What else is possible?”

--Expect a transformation…


In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TMC) the balancing to the 5 elements is the way to keep the body healthy and balanced.

For example, if you have extreme anger, you would take herbs, do a meditation or chanting practice for the liver. On the other hand, if you had a heart condition, you would balance the fire element.

Study the elements and get all aspects of your life balanced.


Start today... tomorrow is too late.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Negative Mindsets

When you find yourself in an upset, in disappointment, anger grief or any negative emotion; don’t just allow the moment to pass.  Although you may not be able to release on the issue at that time, take the time to log the incident for a later releasing session. The fact that this issue has surfaced means it's up for review.  If you allow the opportunity to slip by, issue will continue to go unresolved.  The emotion happens, you get over it (somewhat) and put the incident on the back burner.  Not good!  There is no clearing only burying.  As the saying goes, "you go along to get along" with yourself and with others.  Buried emotions can manifest as blockages in your spirit or in your mind and body.
My advise is to purchase a small note pad or use the notepad feature on your phone and log the incidents as soon as you get the opportunity.  Log them for later release.  You may say, “Why should I do that when I will have gotten over the incident.”  You may be surprised at how the seemingly small and meaningless incidents can impact your wellbeing over a period of years if left unaddressed.  They can eat away at you little by little without your awareness. If you take up this simple practice for one year, you will notice a very big difference in how you relate to other people. You will see a huge improvement in your own happiness and in your ability to handle situations. 
So log the incident.  Take the time before the day is out to do a release on the incident.  You will notice that when you recall the incident in your memory, you will conjure up the same anger or emotion that you felt at the time the incident happened. The mind is funny that way.  It has the ability to process an old memory as though it happen a minute ago.
There are almost an infinite number of practices that can be used to release the emotional charge such as Emotional Freedom Tapping (EFT), Soul tapping, Meditation, or any process you choose.  The key thing is to review the issue until your emotion becomes neutral regarding the incident. 
--Happy healing.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Beautiful Mind

The mind is very useful and wonderful when used correctly. We use it for logical reasoning and making computations, however, in general the mind is usually not our friend. It can be equated to the ego. In fact, that’s all it is when left undeveloped.

The mind loves to chatter. If left unobserved, the mind will run amuck. The more emotional or unstable a person is the more chatter he or she will have in the mind.

The mind loves to cause problems.  It creates drama, paranoia, and makes up all kinds of stories to keep a person in conflict.  As stated, the function of the mind is to solve problems. If there are no real problems to solve, the mind will create problems for the sake of having a problem to solve.

Usually, the conflicts that the mind gets us into have lots of emotional charge attached to them.  So the two people have emotions invested into the conflict. The charge on the emotions potentially creates hurts, upsets, or blockages within the persons or something more serious.  The key is to reel in our thinking (i.e. direct the mind to a rational idea or helpful conclusion) and allow our emotions to cool down and dissipate. Once you get the emotions out of a situation, there is no problem.
Some people love the drama because they feed on the energy and excitement, albeit negative excitement, of the conflicts.  This is what people tend to do especially if they have no big goals or projects which fully capture their attention.  A big goal towards which a person is working can take up lots of time and thinking energy.  There is no time for trite conflicts or emotional rollercoaster rides. Big goals of interest supersede petty conflicts.

For example, a person may become upset over the shade of paint that the painter painted a room in her home.  The color has an undesirable peach tint. The next day she talks about her dissatisfaction and possible solutions to many of her friends and coworkers; should she pay the painter or not; should she request that he redo the job or not, etc. It is a really big deal until mid-morning.

Mid-morning she gets news that she was passed over for a highly anticipated promotion. At this point details of the painted room are irrelevant. She is onto a new conflict of higher concern. Two days of yakking and emotional upset ensues. She is gearing up for a potentially long battle. There are lots of conversations and discussions with friends and coworkers.

Two days later, her husband of 30 years informs her that he wants a divorce.  Now she is devastated. Since this issue is of a higher magnitude of importance, other conflicts, including the fact that she was looked over for a promotion, become displaced with full attention shifting to this latest incident.

The point is that when we have big things that capture our attention, those things of lesser importance to us will fall away. With that in mind, it is important that we

1.  Take on big lofty, worthy projects to keep our interest focused, the mind chatter minimized, and the mind focused on doing what it does best; solving real problems

2.  Do releasing exercises when we come into emotions upsets and conflicts. This will allow us to greatly reduce chatter and conflicts being created by the mind over time.

Know that we can never fully eliminate mind chatter or control the mind. We can only do what we would do to with a two year old who is trying to get into something… redirect him (it) to a more useful task. More on releasing exercises later.

Much love...

Saturday, October 5, 2013

My Tool Box - cont.

As I stated in my last blog, I have a set of tools that I will be using for the next 30 days.

Mini- trampoline – 20 minutes 1X per day (TTH)


                                      Me on my Well Tattered Mini-Trampoline

WBV (Whole body vibration) equipment - 15 minutes 2X’s per day (MWF)


                                                             Me on my WBV machine


Vita-Mix Blender – 4X’s per week

                                                  Vitamix blender with Dry container

(There a many other brands. Check the reviews before purchasing.)


 Six Sense Exercise – 2X’s per day for 5 minutes (SMTWTHFS)

The sixth sense is a term that has been used for humor or laughter.  No equipment necessary. Get in front of a mirror (or not) and laugh very hard for at least 5 minutes.

                             Me Smiling………………………. This has already been a blast!

 This Sixth Sense exercise is the most powerful tool in my tool box. To laugh for no reason at all is to do good not only for you, but for all humanity. You will to release many emotional, mental and physical  blockages. 

Some of the benefits of laughter…

1.     Reduces Depression  and  Stress

2.     Attracts other people

3.     Boosts the Immune System - it is healing

4.     Reduces aches and pains

5.     Improves alertness, memory, and creativity

What could be better than to constantly send high frequency vibrations into your own body (and out into the universe)? I know the naysayers will automatically think this is unrealistic. Well,  it is may be considered unrealistic to be pessimistic or to frown continuously also, yet some people do.  

Note the time – laugh for at least 5 minutes

Begin laughing so hard that your body starts shaking (much easier to do than crying)

Think about a funny movie, joke, incident, etc. or think of directing the high frequency vibrations of the laugher to dissolve your depression, knee pain, or some other blockage. End by laughing while expressing gratitude to Divine (God).

Take the challenge for 30 days and put forth your best effort.  We will talk a lot more about the Sixth Sense in future blogs. I am so excited!

My Tool Box

On this journey of weight transformation there are two major things that I have chosen to do differently. One I will not focus on physical mass (my body) only.  I am focusing on mass reduction and on the reduction of blocked energy/consciousness whereever they may exist;  on the releasing of all blockages. In essence, I am referring to soul, mind, and body blockages.

 I have a set of tools that I will be using for the next 30 days.

My tool box for this weight transformation journey:

Mini- trampoline -  20 minutes 1X per day (TTH)

For weight loss, rebounding exercise is very effective due to the effect it has on the whole body. Rebounding reduces body fat, increases the muscle to fat ratio and increases the efficiency with which the body burns carbohydrate. The upward force of the bounce improves body tone and exercises a whole range of muscles in the body, not just the legs and heart.

WBV (Whole body vibration) equipment - 15 minutes 2X’s per day (MWF)

Whole Body Vibration (WBV) therapy is used in universities, professional sports teams, and medical facilities around the United States. WBV was invented by Russian cosmonauts in 1960s. The benefits of WBV:

•Detoxify and strengthen the immune system (pumps the lymph system thoroughly)

•Help regain muscle strength and bone density

•Reduce recovery time

•Stimulate healthier brain function
Vita-Mix Blender – 4X’s per week
Make a  smoothie with fresh fruits and veggies at least four times per week. Eat healthy foods all week.
The Power Vitamix Blender has a powerful motor which propels the blade tip speed up to an incredible 240 miles per hour, making short work of even the toughest, crunchiest veggies, seeds, grains, and other ingredients. The variable speed control means that you can easily adjust the setting to chop, grind or fully blend your chosen ingredients, all together in one container.

Six Sense Exercise – 2X’s per day for 5 minutes (SMTWThFS)

The sixth sense is a term that has been used for humor or laughter.  No equipment necessary. Get in front of a mirror and laugh very hard for at least 5 minutes minimum

Take the challenge and work out with me. This is going to be soooo cool and soooo much fun. Weigh in physically, mentally, and emotionally and let’s get started.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Love, Peace, and Harmony

We have the power to build a world of love, peace and harmony (LPH). It may seem like a very lofty goal, but it can be accomplished overnight once we reach a critical mass where enough people believe it can be accomplished.  It only takes a few people.

The more we focus on creating thoughts and deeds of LPH, the less time we will spend on creating  thoughts and deeds that are not of LPH. We can correct ourselves one thought at a time, one expression at a time, and one deed at a time.  We will make mistakes or slip up, but we will evolve more and more over time. Make a habit of doing a spiritual practice every day.

If we stay the course, with pure intentions, one year from now we will have much more love, peace, and harmony in every aspect of our lives.
--- Much Love

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Three C's

Below is a photo of me taken while I was in San Francisco last month (September 2013).  I must say I look a lot bigger than what I think of myself in my head.  It's sometimes like that right? Well, this is as close as I am going to get in revealing my true weight! Unresolved issues sometimes result in in extra physical mass (but not always), sometimes they can result in mental or emotional imbalances, or any combination of the three. 

Tonight I was in a class and the teacher of the class mentioned the 3 C's that prevent us from clearing up blockages and healing or moving forward.  They are Comparing, Complaining and Criticizing. How does that relate to  the picture?  

The photo was sent to me via email today.  When I saw it, I immediately focused on what was wrong with the photo and more specifically, what was wrong with me. My initial thought  was not about how great I look. My mind zoomed in on the  perceived  flaws.  That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I  am aware that some things are up for review. It's all good.

I will expand on the 3 C's more in a later blog.  Cheers!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Definition of Weight

Yaay! This is my very first post. This blog is about the transformation of weight. What is the definition of weight?  According to The Free Dictionary (online), there are many definitions listed for weight. The following definitions resonate with me.

Definitions of Weight:

1.     A measure of the heaviness of an object.

2.     Excessive fat; corpulence

This is a blog about how to transform not only physical weight in terms of body size reduction; it will focus even more on reduction of heaviness of the heart, soul, mind and body.  This blog will start out in a journal format, as in writing a daily journal.  The Divine will decide what it blossoms into. I hope others join me on this journey. We are in for a super transformational journey.  Thank you!