Saturday, October 5, 2013

My Tool Box - cont.

As I stated in my last blog, I have a set of tools that I will be using for the next 30 days.

Mini- trampoline – 20 minutes 1X per day (TTH)


                                      Me on my Well Tattered Mini-Trampoline

WBV (Whole body vibration) equipment - 15 minutes 2X’s per day (MWF)


                                                             Me on my WBV machine


Vita-Mix Blender – 4X’s per week

                                                  Vitamix blender with Dry container

(There a many other brands. Check the reviews before purchasing.)


 Six Sense Exercise – 2X’s per day for 5 minutes (SMTWTHFS)

The sixth sense is a term that has been used for humor or laughter.  No equipment necessary. Get in front of a mirror (or not) and laugh very hard for at least 5 minutes.

                             Me Smiling………………………. This has already been a blast!

 This Sixth Sense exercise is the most powerful tool in my tool box. To laugh for no reason at all is to do good not only for you, but for all humanity. You will to release many emotional, mental and physical  blockages. 

Some of the benefits of laughter…

1.     Reduces Depression  and  Stress

2.     Attracts other people

3.     Boosts the Immune System - it is healing

4.     Reduces aches and pains

5.     Improves alertness, memory, and creativity

What could be better than to constantly send high frequency vibrations into your own body (and out into the universe)? I know the naysayers will automatically think this is unrealistic. Well,  it is may be considered unrealistic to be pessimistic or to frown continuously also, yet some people do.  

Note the time – laugh for at least 5 minutes

Begin laughing so hard that your body starts shaking (much easier to do than crying)

Think about a funny movie, joke, incident, etc. or think of directing the high frequency vibrations of the laugher to dissolve your depression, knee pain, or some other blockage. End by laughing while expressing gratitude to Divine (God).

Take the challenge for 30 days and put forth your best effort.  We will talk a lot more about the Sixth Sense in future blogs. I am so excited!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your blog. I look forward to reading it as often as I can. Where can I get a WBV machine? I am so happy you are sharing your wisdom and experience. TY, TY, TY - Linda
