Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Negative Mindsets

When you find yourself in an upset, in disappointment, anger grief or any negative emotion; don’t just allow the moment to pass.  Although you may not be able to release on the issue at that time, take the time to log the incident for a later releasing session. The fact that this issue has surfaced means it's up for review.  If you allow the opportunity to slip by, issue will continue to go unresolved.  The emotion happens, you get over it (somewhat) and put the incident on the back burner.  Not good!  There is no clearing only burying.  As the saying goes, "you go along to get along" with yourself and with others.  Buried emotions can manifest as blockages in your spirit or in your mind and body.
My advise is to purchase a small note pad or use the notepad feature on your phone and log the incidents as soon as you get the opportunity.  Log them for later release.  You may say, “Why should I do that when I will have gotten over the incident.”  You may be surprised at how the seemingly small and meaningless incidents can impact your wellbeing over a period of years if left unaddressed.  They can eat away at you little by little without your awareness. If you take up this simple practice for one year, you will notice a very big difference in how you relate to other people. You will see a huge improvement in your own happiness and in your ability to handle situations. 
So log the incident.  Take the time before the day is out to do a release on the incident.  You will notice that when you recall the incident in your memory, you will conjure up the same anger or emotion that you felt at the time the incident happened. The mind is funny that way.  It has the ability to process an old memory as though it happen a minute ago.
There are almost an infinite number of practices that can be used to release the emotional charge such as Emotional Freedom Tapping (EFT), Soul tapping, Meditation, or any process you choose.  The key thing is to review the issue until your emotion becomes neutral regarding the incident. 
--Happy healing.

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